How to Manually Process Your Payment
Last Update 10 bulan yang lalu

You will be asked to log in if you aren't already.

Upon successfully logging in, you will be redirected to your dashboard. Click the Subscription on the left side menu.

You will be redirected to the Subscription page, you will see here all your subscriptions whether it is active, inactive or cancelled.
Unpaid subscriptions will have a respective pay button on the right side.

Click on it and follow the payment process to pay for your subscription.

Kindly fill out all the necessary fields on the billing details (if they aren't filled out already).
- First Name
- Last Name
Note: Please make sure that the name you enter here is the same name that appears on your credit card.
- Address
- Country
- State
- Postcode
- Phone number
- Email Address
Note: Also make sure that the information above are also the same information that your bank has.
Then, fill out your credit card information.
Just type in your credit card number on the respective field. (Sometimes, the field won't be able to show you the whole card number but do not be alarmed).
Type in your expiry date in this format MM/YY
Type in your CVC (the three-digit number you can find on the back of your card.)
Click the respective blue button to continue.
The system will now try to process your payment.
Please wait for the result of this process, it will show up on your screen. Do not refresh while the system is processing to prevent any errors and/or double charging.
Should you have any concerns. questions or clarifications, do not hesitate to reach out to us at s[email protected]